Vasyl Matushevsky, from the village of Kam'ane, Chernivtsi region, 53 years old. During a telephone conversation, a classmate recommended that he watch the Nadiya TV channel. Over time, while watching TV programs, Vasyl developed a desire to get to know God more deeply and study the Holy Scriptures. On one of the programs, he noticed the number of the Bible School. Vasyl immediately called and ordered a set of lessons. Having received these lessons by mail, he read and studied the biblical texts with pleasure.
Later, the Lord gave Vasyl a Bible School teacher, Dmytro, who began sending him lessons in electronic format. Vasyl and Dmytro devoted a lot of time to studying the Bible together. At the same time, Vasyl had heart problems and planned to go to a sanatorium. However, Dmytro offered him an alternative - to visit Evangelical program of the Bible School in the village of Novi Obikhody. There he could improve his health and at the same time hear the message of salvation. It was during this program that Vasyl took the most important step in his life - he was baptized in water.
Seven months later, his daughter was also baptized, and his wife plans to do the same soon.